Now that I'm on the 10-day countdown to my new release The Woman Upstairs from hitting the virtual shevles, I'm already focusing on my next big release.
Last year I wrote the first of what will be a trilogy of romantic drama and comedy in what I've dubbed the Tricky series.
Tricky Wisdom is the first tale where we meet med student Darcy Wright, and follow her progress through the gruelling, challenging and life-altering experience called Harvard Medical. However, learning to become a doctor looks like child's play compared to co-existing with her roommate and fellow med studet, Olivia Boyd. The story focusing on Darcy's naïveté, her experiences, and her tentative steps in the romance arena.
I'm really excited about Tricky Wisdom, and am looking forward to sharing it with the world in late 2015. The first novel in the series is completed and undergoing editing. The second novel is bring written, and the third is planned out. I'm hoping for 6-monthly releases, so hang on to your ebook readers nice and tight, and get ready for the Tricky series to head your way.